Charity Support Pledge
At Just Bee Loved we are committed to doing our small part in helping to raise awareness and reverse the current plight of our bees and their habitats, and supporting wildlife, animal and nature projects. This page lists the main donations we have been able to make within each financial year.
Donations for the financial year 2023/2024 included:
- Donation to the Soil Association's Woodoaks Farm Hedgerow Appeal to plant 8 metres of hedgerow as part of their appeal to plant a further 600 metres of hedgerow. The cause aims to establish sustainable nature & wildlife friendly farming and help replace the loss of over 50% of UK hedgerows that has occurred since the 1940s.
- Donated £892.45 worth of stock to our regional Dogs Trust charity shop in Cowbridge and donation to the Cardiff rehoming centre's Amazon Wish List. The Dogs Trust works to rescue dogs in distress, rehome dogs in need of a home and support dog owners. The trust is one of the few dog welfare charities that operate a 'Dog Food bank' to help owners care for their dogs in times of financial hardship.
- Just Bee Loved's own initiative: 'Plant 300 Window Boxes'. Customers can claim a free box of our Bee & Butterfly Seedball Mix worth £3.50 with their order* to plant a window box (or garden patch) - to help feed our wonderful bees and pollinators. Total value on completion: £1,050.
Donations for the financial year 2022/2023 included:
- Donated a variety of Bee Hotels to the Community Physics Garden project based in Cardiff. An initiative led by a co-operative partnership between local GPs and EggSeed to support holistic well being in the community. With a dedicated indoor and outdoor growing and congregation space, members of the community can plant and grow fruit, vegetables, herbs and flowers.
- Donated £697.60 worth of stock to our local RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) charity shop. The RSPCA works to rescue and treat injured or abused animals (both wildlife and domestic), and operates rehabilitation and rehoming centres around the UK.
- Donation to the DEC Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal to cover emergency shelter and food for 2 families. The DEC brings together 15 leading UK charities to raise funds and respond rapidly to global crisis and disasters.
Donations for the financial year 2021/2022 included:
- Donated a Treasure "Bee" Box to the Indee Rose Trust. The Indee Rose Trust is a charity set up to support young children with brain and spinal tumours, and their families during and after treatment. Their "Treasure Box" campaign helps create smiles and amazing memories for these brave little ones. On learning about a young boy who adores bees, we put together a beespoke treasure box filled with comfort soft toys, games & puzzles, arts & crafts and his very own bee hotel. We were extremely honoured to be a small part in helping the Trust to bring a little sunshine into his world.
- Donated Just Bee Loved handmade gifts to the fundraising "Jumblebee" auction event held by the Bumblebee Conservation Trust.
- Donated over £250 worth of stock to our local PDSA (People's Dispensary for Sick Animals) charity shop. The PDSA is a veterinary charity which provides care and treatment to sick and injured animals of people who are on low income.
Donations for the financial years 2019/2020 & 2020/2021 included:
- Supported the Bumblebee Conservation Trust by donating 10% of profits from the sale of over 135 products listed on our shop.

Links to some of the wildlife & bee charities that we love;