Bee-utifully handmade nursery cot mobile featuring sweet honey bees, flowers, fluffy baubles and leaves made from wool and felt crafting complete with musical bells.
A lovely decorative mobile for a newborn's nursery / playroom. Suitable to be attached to cot or traditional wooden playpen.
- Ready to hang
- Size: approx. 40 x 24 cm
- Bamboo hanger
- Acrylic wool / Felt
- Cotton
- Bells
Mount Stand:
- Beech wood
- Size: H68 x W8 x D36 cm
- Assembly instructions
WARNING: This mobile is not a toy and should be placed / hung safely out of reach of the child's hands. Always check no damage has occurred with each use (i.e. loosened balls) and refrain from use if damaged. For continued child's safety, remove this mobile when the child starts trying to reach up in the crawling position.